Applied AI with Python

Why Learn 📚

Curious about AI’s power? Interested in turning ideas into real projects using AI and Python? Seeking a hands-on learning experience? This course is designed just for you! Step into the exciting world of AI, and craft real projects with us.

What to Learn 📝

AI Foundations

  • Dive into the story of AI and its key principles, setting a solid foundation for advanced topics.

Natural Language Processing

  • Master sentiment analysis, speech recognition, and translation to craft tools like recommenders and multilingual aids.

Computer Vision

  • Apply image classification and generation to create descriptive alt-text for accessibility and craft unique, AI-generated icons.

Intelligent Agents

  • Bring your projects to life by creating an AI assistant with the latest API technology.

How to Learn ✨

  • Real Projects: Gain insights into AI technology through practical cases.
  • Interactive Practice: API development and execution directly in the course.