pass Statement

Understanding the pass Statement

In Python, the pass statement is a placeholder statement that does nothing. It’s often used in blocks where no action is to be taken, but the syntax requires a statement, i.e., to avoid a syntax error.

1# Here is an example of pass statement in a function
2def some_function():
3    pass

Above is a function declaration that does nothing due to the pass statement. If we attempt to call this function, it will execute without returning anything and without causing any errors.

When Do We Use the pass Statement?

The pass statement in Python is frequently used for creating minimal classes, functions, or loops. Here are a few examples where pass comes into play:

  • When you are prototyping functions or classes, and you want to implement them later on.
  • In a loop when you don’t want to execute any command for a particular condition.
  • Inside exception blocks where you don’t want to handle the exception.
1for i in range(10):
2    if i % 2 == 0:
3        pass  # we don't do anything for even numbers
4    else:
5        print(i)  # print odd numbers

In the above code, the pass statement is used inside the if block for an even number i.e., if i % 2 == 0, the loop continues onto the next iteration without executing any code, otherwise, it prints the odd number.

Caution while using pass

While it seems helpful, using the pass statement blindly can lead to code that’s hard to read and debug. It’s preferable to have a clear intention for each part of your code. If you use pass as a placeholder for code that you plan to write in the future, make sure to include clear comments indicating your intention.


Remember that pass isn’t meant to be a way to ignore conditions or exceptions in your code. Ignoring exceptions with pass and not handling them can lead to hidden bugs in your code that are hard to track down.