What is PIP?

PIP is an acronym that stands for “PIP Installs Packages” or “Preferred Installer Program”. It is a package management system used to install and manage software packages written in Python. It is a module that comes pre-installed with Python.

PIP provides a way to install, upgrade, and remove Python packages. It’s a feature that makes managing libraries and dependencies much easier for Python developers.

How to Install PIP?

Although PIP comes preinstalled with Python, in case you don’t have it, you can install it with the following command.

How to Use PIP?

You can use PIP from the command line by entering pip followed by the command you want to execute. Here are some common commands:

Install a Package

pip install package_name

This command installs the latest version of the package.

Install a Specific Package Version

pip install package_name==2.0

This command installs a specific version of the package.

Upgrade a Package

pip install --upgrade package_name

This command upgrades the package to the latest version.

Uninstall a Package

pip uninstall package_name

This command uninstalls the package.

List Installed Packages

pip list

This command list all installed packages.


It’s important to mention that if you’re working on multiple Python projects, it’s a good practice to use virtual environments to isolate your Python environment for each project. This way, every project can have its own dependencies, without conflicts.