as Keyword

The ‘as’ keyword in Python is used to create an alias while importing a module. It allows the module to be referred to by a different name for ease of use in your code.

How to Use ‘as’ Keyword

To use the ‘as’ keyword, simply follow the import statement of the Python module with ‘as’, and then specify the alias you’d like to use. Here’s a useful code snippet:

1import math as m

In the above code, ’m’ is the alias created for the ‘math’ module. Now, we can refer to the ‘math’ module with our alias ’m’.


When the above program is executed, it outputs the value of pi from the ‘math’ module, despite referencing the ‘math’ module through the alias ’m’.

The reason to use the ‘as’ keyword is to simplify the syntax and increase the readability of the code, especially when dealing with modules with long names.


Naming the alias appropriately is recommended to improve code readability and maintainability.

The Benefit of Using ‘as’ Keyword

The benefit of using ‘as’ keyword is that it simplifies the syntax and makes the code cleaner and easier to read. Especially when importing modules with long names, it’s convenient to use shorter aliases. However, it’s essential to choose appropriate alias names. Inappropriate or misleading aliases can confuse the reader or lead to errors in the code.

Remember, ‘as’ keyword is not limited to renaming modules, it can also be used with the ‘import from’ statement. Here’s how:

1from datetime import datetime as dt

In the above line of code, ‘dt’ is the alias for ‘datetime’. This way you can directly call ‘datetime’ using the acronym ‘dt’.


Using ‘as’ keyword in Python provides flexibility by allowing developers to use an alias for modules. This not only simplifies the code but also enhances its readability. However, always choose the alias carefully to enhance the understanding of the code.