Boolean AND Evaluation

Write a function that performs the boolean AND operation on a list of boolean values and outputs the final result.

In boolean logic, an AND operation returns `True` only if both paired values are `True`, otherwise it returns `False`. Your task is to write a function named `and_operation` that takes a list of boolean values and evaluates an `AND` operation on each pair, from left to right. It continues until one boolean value remains and returns that result. ### Parameters - `lst` (List[bool]): It's a list of boolean values - `True` or `False`. The length of the list ranges between 2 to 1000. ### Return Value - The function returns either `True` or `False`, based on the boolean AND operation performed from left to right. ### Examples ```python # Parsing from the left: # [True AND True] -> True, [True AND False] -> False # [False AND True] -> False -> This is the final result, since no more pairs remain. and_operation([True, True, False, True]) # False # [True AND True] -> True, [True AND False] -> False # [False AND False] -> False and_operation([True, True, False, False]) # False # [False AND False] -> False and_operation([False, False]) # False # [True AND True] -> True and_operation([True, True]) # True ```