Bubble Tea Profit Calculation

Calculate total profit from bubble tea sales based on cost price, selling price, and quantity sold.

You are working in the management of a bubble tea shop. There is a dictionary that represents the cost, selling price, and current stock for each bubble tea product. Write a function to calculate the total profit for a bubble tea product. The answer should be rounded to the nearest whole number. ### Parameters - `product_data` (dict): A dictionary that has: - `"cost_price"` that signifies the cost price of a single bubble tea (float); - `"sell_price"` which denotes the selling price of a single bubble tea (float); - `"inventory"` that indicates the total units of bubble tea sold (integer). ### Return Value - The function should return the total profit (int), calculated as `(sell_price - cost_price) * inventory`, where the result is rounded to the nearest whole number. ### Examples ```python product1 = { "cost_price": 18.67, "sell_price": 25.00, "inventory": 1200 } calculate_profit(product1) # returns: 7596 product2 = { "cost_price": 25.89, "sell_price": 33.00, "inventory": 100 } calculate_profit(product2) # returns: 711 ```