Compare Score with Class Average

Design a Python function to determine if a student's grade is above or below the average grade of his or her class.

The task requires constructing a Python function that compares a given student's score to the average score of the class. The function should take two parameters: `class_scores` (a list of all the scores of the students) and `student_score` (an integer that signifies the score of the student in question). The function should return `True` if the score of the student exceeds the average class score and `False` otherwise. ### Parameters - `class_scores`: This is a list of integers that represent the scores of all the students. - `student_score`: This is an integer representing the score of the student under consideration. ### Return Value - This function should return `True` if `student_score` is higher than the average class score and `False` if it isn't. ### Examples ```python compare_score([2, 3], 5) ➞ True compare_score([100, 40, 34, 57, 29, 72, 57, 88], 75) ➞ True compare_score([12, 23, 34, 45, 56, 67, 78, 89, 90], 50) ➞ False ```