Compute Median from a List

Develop a Python function to compute the median from a list of numerical values.

In statistics, the **median** refers to the middle value when a data set is ordered from smallest to largest. If the data set has an even number of observations, the median is calculated as the average of the two middle values. The goal of this task is to build a function to calculate and return the median value from a provided list `lst` which may contain any mix of integers and floats. ### Parameters - `lst` (list): A list of numerical values, potentially a mix of integers and floats. ### Return Value - The median value of the list `lst` should be returned as a float. ### Examples ```python # Example 1: Median is 4 find_median([2, 5, 6, 2, 6, 3, 4]) # Expected output: 4.0 # Example 2: Median is 432.42 find_median([21.4323, 432.54, 432.3, 542.4567]) # Expected output: 432.42 # Example 3: Median is -43 find_median([-23, -43, -29, -53, -67]) # Expected output: -43.0 ```