Convert Upvote Strings to Integers

Create a Python function that converts string representations of 'k'-denominated upvote counts into integer-format list.

You are provided with a string that represents upvotes on a social platform where upvotes are depicted in 'k' units (where 'k' stands for thousands), such as "6.8k", "5.5k", etc. Your task is to write a Python function, `transform_upvotes(txt)`, that converts these string formatted upvote counts to a list of integers. ### Parameters - `txt` : A string that contains upvote counts, where 'k' is an abbreviation for thousands. The string consists of space-separated positive numbers followed by 'k'. ### Return Value - The function should return a list of integers where each integer represents the actual upvote counts. ### Examples ```python # The upvote counts "6.8k" and "13.5k" should return 6800 and 13500 respectively transform_upvotes("6.8k 13.5k") # Output: [6800, 13500] ```