Count Animal Legs on Farm

A Python function to total the number of animal legs on a farm.

The function `calculate_animal_legs` is designed to compute the total number of animal legs on a farm, given the quantity of chickens (with two legs), cows and pigs (with four legs each). ### Parameters - `chickens` (integer): The total number of chickens on the farm. - `cows` (integer): The total number of cows on the farm. - `pigs` (integer): The total number of pigs on the farm. ### Return Value - The function returns an integer, representing the total number of animal legs on the farm. ### Examples ```python # For instance: 2 chickens, 3 cows, and 5 pigs give a total of 36 legs calculate_animal_legs(2, 3, 5) # Returns: 36 # For instance: 1 chicken, 2 cows, and 3 pigs give a total of 22 legs calculate_animal_legs(1, 2, 3) # Returns: 22 # For instance: 5 chickens, 2 cows, and 8 pigs give a total of 50 legs calculate_animal_legs(5, 2, 8) # Returns: 50 ```