Count String Characters

This task requires to create a Python function that counts the occurrences of characters in a string and returns a string with the characters and their counts.

Your task is to write a Python function that accepts a string composed of lowercase letters (a-z) as a parameter. The function should calculate the frequency of each character in the input string and return a string where each character is followed by its count. The output string should be sorted in alphabetical order. ### Parameters - `s`: This is a string parameter, composed solely of lowercase alphabet characters (a-z). ### Return Value - The function should return a string where each character available in the input string is followed by its count. This returned string should be sorted in alphabetical order. ### Examples ```python # 'cccddecca' contains 1 'a', 5 'c', 2 'd', and 1 'e' count_characters('cccddecca') # Output: 'a1c5d2e1' # 'dabcab' contains 2 'a', 2 'b', 1 'c', and 1 'd' count_characters('dabcab') # Output: 'a2b2c1d1' # 'aacbac' contains 3 'a', 1 'b', and 2 'c' count_characters('aacbac') # Output: 'a3b1c2' ```