Create String Cipher

Develop a function to encode text using a cyclic Caesar cipher based on a roll number.

For this task, you'll create a function for a Caesar-like cipher, where a letter is rolled either forward or backward based on a given roll number. If a letter is rolled forward past 'z' or backward past 'a', it loops back around. If rolled 26 times in any direction, a letter returns to its original position. Construct a function `caesarCipher()` that takes the arguments `text` (a lowercase string) and `roll` (an integer), and uses the roll number to change each letter in the string. ### Parameters - `'text'`: A string composed of lowercase characters that represents the text to encode. - `'roll'`: An integer indicating the number of times each character should be shifted. ### Return Value - Returns a string where each character has been shifted forward or backward based on the input roll number `roll`. ### Examples ```python # Shift forward by 1 caesarCipher("abcd", 1) # "bcde" # Shift backward by 1 caesarCipher("abcd", -1) # "zabc" # Shift forward by 3 caesarCipher("abcd", 3) # "defg" # Shift forward by 26 (loops back) caesarCipher("abcd", 26) # "abcd" ```