Determine Year's Day Count

Create a Python function to determine the number of days in a given year.

Design a function that returns the total number of days in a given year. The function should consider both leap year and non-leap year. The rules for determining a leap year are as follow: - The year should be perfectly divisible by 4 (e.g., 2016, 2020, 2024, etc.) unless it's also divisible by 100. - However, if it's evenly divisible by 400, then it is a leap year (e.g., 2000, 2400). - Leap years have 366 days while non-leap years have 365 days. Your function should take an integer `year` as an argument and returns a string indicating the total number of days in that year. ### Parameters - `year` (int): An integer that represents the year. ### Return Value - Returns a string in the format "{year} has {number of days} days". ### Examples ```python # Since 2000 is a leap year get_year_days(2000) # returns "2000 has 366 days" # Since 1998 is not a leap year get_year_days(1998) # returns "1998 has 365 days" # Since 2019 is not a leap year get_year_days(2019) # returns "2019 has 365 days" ```