Evaluate Pairwise Boolean OR

Develop a Python function to evaluate pairwise Boolean values in a given list, using the OR operation.

Write a function named `evaluate_or_pairwise` that sequentially evaluates pairs of Boolean values in a list from left to right using the `OR` operation. The function should initially perform an `OR` operation between the first two elements, with the result influencing the outcome of the subsequent `OR` operations with the remaining elements. This process should continue until the function processes the whole list. ### Parameters - `values`: A list consisting of Boolean values. ### Return Value - The function should return the final outcome of the pairwise `OR` computations performed on the elements of the list. ### Examples ```python # Pairwise calculation results in a True value evaluate_or_pairwise([True, True, False, False]) # Returns: True # Pairwise calculation results in a True value evaluate_or_pairwise([True, True, False]) # Returns: True # Pairwise calculation results in a False value evaluate_or_pairwise([False, False]) # Returns: False ```