Find Triple Occurrence Letter

Create Python code to identify the first letter that appears thrice in an input string.

Write a python function to locate the first reoccurring character that appears three times in a given string. The reoccurring character must be an English alphabet character and should be case sensitive. ### Parameters - `s` (string): The string to be checked. ### Return Value - Returns the first English alphabet character that repeats three times in the string, considering case sensitivity. If no such character exists, return None. ### Examples ```python FindTripleOccurrenceLetter('Aaaabbbc') # Returns 'a' FindTripleOccurrenceLetter('Wa It Is Cool I Love It') # Returns 'I' FindTripleOccurrenceLetter('how do you do') # Returns 'o' FindTripleOccurrenceLetter('Jack has a rabbit') # Returns 'a' FindTripleOccurrenceLetter('Hello World') # Returns None ```