Hyphen String Generation

Develop a Python function accepting digits from 1 to 60 and returns an equivalent string of consecutive hyphens.

Your task is to create a Python function that takes a single argument which should be an integer from 1 to 60, both included. This function must return a string that contains consecutive hyphens, the amount of which equals the provided integer. This task is designed to test your understanding of string repetition in Python. ### Parameters - `num`: An integer in the range of 1 to 60, inclusive. It represents the number of hyphens that should be in the returned string. ### Return Value - The function returns a string filled with hyphens, the length of which equals `num`. ### Examples ```python # The provided argument is 1, so the returned string should contain one hyphen. solution(1) # "-" # The provided argument is 5, so the returned string should contain five hyphens. solution(5) # "-----" # The provided argument is 3, so the returned string should contain three hyphens. solution(3) # "---" ```