Python Festive Graphic

Modify a Python script to render a festive graphic using the Turtle module.

Python's Turtle library offers an engaging way to explore graphics programming. The task is to modify a Python script to draw a festive Christmas tree with a personalized message. ### Instructions - Start by examining the base script provided here. - Try to identify and adjust the code line that controls the 'ornaments' color. - Change the code meant for the message displayed on the screen to a holiday greeting of your choice. ### Example For instance, modify the script to have blue 'ornaments' on the tree and print a holiday greeting of "Festive Cheers!" The amended piece of the script should look like this: ```python ... if i % 4 == 0: x = 30*(j+1) circle.color('blue') # Modified line ... ... text.write('Festive Cheers!', font = ('Arial', 18, 'bold')) # Modified line ... ``` The original script to be amended is: ```python import turtle screen = turtle.Screen() screen.setup(375,580) circle = turtle.Turtle() circle.shape('circle') circle.color('red') circle.speed('fastest') circle.up() square = turtle.Turtle() square.shape('square') square.color('green') square.speed('fastest') square.up() circle.goto(0,280) circle.stamp() k = 0 for i in range(1, 13): y = 30*i for j in range(i-k): x = 30*j square.goto(x,-y+280) square.stamp() square.goto(-x,-y+280) square.stamp() if i % 4 == 0: x = 30*(j+1) circle.color('red') circle.goto(-x,-y+280) circle.stamp() circle.goto(x,-y+280) circle.stamp() if i % 4 == 3: x = 30*(j+1) circle.color('yellow') circle.goto(-x,-y+280) circle.stamp() circle.goto(x,-y+280) circle.stamp() square.color('brown') for i in range(13,17): y = 30*i for j in range(2): x = 30*j square.goto(x,-y+280) square.stamp() square.goto(-x,-y+280) square.stamp() text = turtle.Turtle() text.hideturtle() text.penup() text.goto(-120, 270) text.color('red') text.write('Happy Holidays!', font = ('Arial', 18, 'bold')) ``` Please note that creating test cases or unit testing for graphical exercises might be challenging, as 'correct' answers could be subjective and difficult to automatically establish.