Reconstruct Word from Halves

Function that reconstructs a full word from its two halves with the first letter capitalized.

The task is to implement a Python function that takes in two halves of a word, combines them to form a complete word, and ensures the first letter of the new word is capitalized. ### Parameters - `left` (str): The left, or initial, segment of the split word. - `right` (str): The right, or second, segment of the split word. ### Return Value - The function returns a string that represents the newly formed word, with the first letter capitalized. ### Examples ```python # Example 1: # Combining 'seas' and 'onal' and capitalizing the first letter 'S' results in 'Seasonal' assert solution("seas", "onal") == "Seasonal" # Example 2: # Combining 'comp' and 'lete' and capitalizing the first letter 'C' results in 'Complete' assert solution("comp", "lete") == "Complete" # Example 3: # Combining 'lang' and 'uage' and capitalizing the first letter 'L' results in 'Language' assert solution("lang", "uage") == "Language" ```