Split String into Substrings

Create a Python function to separate a string into alphabets and digits.

In this task, you are asked to define a function that takes in a string `input_str` consisting of uppercase alphabetic characters and digits. The function should segregate the string into two parts: one made up only of alphabetical characters, and the other consisting only of digits. ### Parameters - `input_str`: A string of uppercase alphabetic characters and digits. It is required. ### Return Value - A list comprising of two elements: the first is the alphabetic portion and the second, the numeric portion of the string. The alphabetic part should be returned as a string, while the numeric part should be returned as an integer. ### Examples ```python # The first part is "TEWA" and the second part is "8392" split_string("TEWA8392") ➞ ["TEWA", 8392] # The first part is "MMU" and the second part is "778" split_string("MMU778") ➞ ["MMU", 778] # The first part is "SRPE" and the second part is "5532" split_string("SRPE5532") ➞ ["SRPE", 5532] ```