Study Hours Validator

Create a Python function to validate study hours and motivate a student based on the time spent studying.

Write a function that assesses a specified amount of study time in hours (`hours`) and returns corresponding motivational messages. If `hours` is greater than or equal to 1, the function should return "Good job! Keep it up!". If `hours` is less than 1, the function should return "Time to hit the books!". Valid input for `hours` should be within 0 to 24. ### Parameters: - `hours`: The time spent studying in hours. It should be within the range 0 - 24 and can be a float. ### Return Value - Returns motivational text based on the amount of time spent studying. ### Examples ```python # If study time is more than an hour solution(5) # "Good job! Keep it up!" # If study time is less than an hour solution(0.5) # "Time to hit the books!" # If no time was spent studying solution(0) # "Time to hit the books!" # Testing edge cases solution(24) # "Good job! Keep it up!" solution(-1) # Invalid Input. Hours should be within 0 and 24. ```