Sum of Integers in String

A function in Python that calculates the total of all integers found in a provided string.

This tasks requires you to create a Python function which analyzes a string input, identifies all integer values within the string and sums them all up to return this total sum value. ### Parameters - `s` (str): A string which may contain a mixture of alphanumeric characters, symbols and integral numbers. ### Return Value - The function is expected to return an integer. This integer is the summation of all individual integers found within the input string. ### Examples ```python # The string contains 2 '1's separated by a space as well as embedded within alphabets. All considered individually, and hence summed up as 1+1+1+1 = 4 solution('1 1a1aa1') # Returns 4 # The string contains two separate integers- 2333 and 2222- embedded within alphabetic characters. Summed up together they result in 2333 + 2222 = 4555 solution('alphanumeric 2333 symbols 2222 characters') # Returns 4555 # The string contains multiple integers scattered around alphabetic characters. All of these are summed up to return the total. solution('The30quick20brown10f0x1203jumps914ov3r1349the102l4zy dog') # Returns 3635 ```