Temperature Conversion

Python function to convert temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.

The task requires to perform temperature conversions between Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F) using the following conversions: - Fahrenheit = Celsius x 1.8 + 32 - Celsius = (Fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8 Write a function `convert_temperature(temp)`, where `temp` is a string ending with "C" for Celsius and "F" for Fahrenheit. This function should return a string of the converted temperature in the other scale. ### Parameters - `temp` (string): Temperature to be converted. The temperature value is a number followed by "C" (Celsius) or "F" (Fahrenheit). ### Return Value - Returns a string of the converted temperature ending with "C" or "F". ### Examples ```python # 0 Celsius is 32 Fahrenheit convert_temperature('0C') # Returns: "32.0F" # 32 Fahrenheit is 0 Celsius convert_temperature('32F') # Returns: "0.0C" # 23 Celsius is 73.4 Fahrenheit convert_temperature('23C') # Returns: "73.4F" # 23 Fahrenheit is -5 Celsius convert_temperature('23F') # Returns: "-5.0C" ```