Time Conversion: Part 2

Enhance your time-manipulation expertise with more intricate operations using hours and minutes.

Extend your programming skills further in managing time calculations. The objective of this task is to create a function named `convert_time`. This function should accept a single parameter, `num`, an integer, and return a string that indicates the hours and minutes. The integer `num` signifies the number of minutes that have passed since midnight. Your function must convert these minutes into hours and minutes (in a 24-hour format). The output should be a string structured as "HH:MM". ### Parameters - `num` (integer): The number of minutes passed since the start of a new day at midnight. ### Return Value - Returns a string representation of the calculated time, formatted as "HH:MM". ### Examples ```python # 200 minutes past midnight translates to 03:20 convert_time(200) ➞ "03:20" # 945 minutes past midnight translates to 15:45 convert_time(945) ➞ "15:45" ```