Verify Password Strength

Implement a function to evaluate the security of a password based on predefined rules. It's used in creating email accounts.

Write a Python function that validates a password based on the following criteria: - The length is between 6 to 24 characters. - It contains at least one uppercase letter from A to Z. - It contains at least one lowercase letter from a to z. - It includes at least one digit from 0 to 9. - It has a maximum of two consecutive repeated characters (e.g., "aa" is allowed, but "aaa" is not). - It may include these special characters: !@#$%^&*+=_-{}[]:;"'?<>,. ### Parameters - `password` (string): A string to be validated as a password. ### Return Value - Returns `True` if the `password` meets all the required criteria. - Returns `False` if the `password` fails at least one of the criteria. ### Examples ```python # "P1zz@": too short validate_password("P1zz@") # Returns: False # "iLoveYou": missing a digit validate_password("iLoveYou") # Returns: False # "Fhg93@": valid password validate_password("Fhg93@") # Returns: True ```