Word Length Outlier

Create a Python function to examine a list of words and determine if there exists precisely one word length that is unique.

Given a list of strings, determine if there is exactly one unique word length in that list. A word's length is considered unique if it doesn't coincide with the length of any other word in the list. Write a Python function named `has_unique_word_length(words)` that returns `True` if there is exactly one unique word length, and `False` otherwise. ### Parameters - `words` (list of strings): A list of words to be checked. ### Returns - (bool): Returns `True` if there's exactly one unique word length in the `words` list; otherwise, returns `False`. ### Examples ```python # 'silly' is the only word in the list with a unique length has_unique_word_length(["silly", "mom", "let", "the"]) # True # 'moment' is the only word in the list with a unique length has_unique_word_length(["swanky", "rhino", "moment"]) # True # All words in the list share the same length has_unique_word_length(["the", "the", "the"]) # False # No word in the list has a unique length has_unique_word_length(["very", "to", "an", "some"]) # False ```